Venice Presbyterian Church

To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known

by Glorifying God as a Disciple-Making Outpost of Kingdom Life


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Sunday Worship Service

9AM & 11AM (in-person or online)

825 The Rialto, Venice, FL 34285, 941-488-2258

We encourage you to attend our in-person community gathering on Sunday mornings. We also offer our worship services via Livestream, Facebook Live, and the Kingdom Life podcast.


Ignite Weekend

We will welcome back the team from PRMI (Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International), who will lead us in another exciting weekend. The focus this year will be “Encountering the Father’s Heart.”

Have you experienced in your hear what it means to be the Father’s son or daughter? Have you heard the Father tell you how He feels about you? Do you long for a closer relationship with God?

We will lear what it means for God to heal the blocks in our hearts, and what it means to let the Father pour His love into us. Some of our time will be spent just listening for the Father’s voice and being in His presence.

Event Details:

📅 Thursday, April 3 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
📅 Friday, April 4 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
📅 Saturday, April 5 | 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM

🍽 Lunch provided Friday & Saturday
🍽 Dinner included Saturday night

💲 Cost: $60

We’d love for you to join us as we go deeper into encountering the Father’s heart through worship, teaching, and community. Register Here! Ignite 2025 Registration

Connect, Grow & Go

We invite people of all ages to follow Jesus as a lifelong disciple. We encourage you to CONNECT with others in authentic Christian friendship, to GROW more like Jesus and GO and share Christ’s love with our neighbors, community and world.
— Chris Romig, Senior Pastor at Venice Presbyterian Church

Stay Connected

941-488-2258, 825 The Rialto, Venice, Florida 34285

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9am -4pm and Friday, 9am - 12pm.
