Venice Presbyterian Church

825 the Rialto, Venice, FL


Contact Us

At Venice Presbyterian Church, our mission is to serve this community. We understand that the needs of this community are diverse and important. That's why our team is dedicated to listening to your comments, suggestions, and requests. We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those around us and we will continue to work tirelessly to provide support and care to all members of this community.

  1. Worship Services: If you are new to an area or looking for a place of worship, we invite you to attend our Sunday services at 10 am.

  2. Events and Programs: We offer various events, programs, and ministries such as community outreach, Bible studies, and small groups.

  3. Pastoral Care: If you or someone you know is in need of spiritual guidance, counseling, or support, we can provide emotional and spiritual assistance during challenging times or offer guidance on matters of faith and personal well-being.

  4. Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals: If you are seeking to have a significant life event, such as a baptism, wedding, or funeral, conducted within a church setting, we can provide you with information about our policies, availability, and any necessary preparations or procedures.

  5. Community Involvement: If you are interested in volunteering, partnering, or seeking assistance from a church's outreach programs, reach out to us to express your interest and inquire about available opportunities.

  6. General Inquiries: If you have questions about the church's beliefs, denomination, history, or any other general information, contact the church to seek clarification or gain a better understanding.

Volunteer Opportunities

Please contact our front office at 941-488-2258.


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