Venice Presbyterian Church

To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known

by Glorifying God as a Disciple-Making Outpost of Kingdom Life


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Sunday Worship Service

9AM & 11AM (in-person or online)

825 The Rialto, Venice, FL 34285, 941-488-2258

We encourage you to attend our in-person community gathering on Sunday mornings. We also offer our worship services via Livestream, Facebook Live, and the Kingdom Life podcast.


Ignite Weekend

We invite you to a special time of learning, reflection, and growth. Over three days, we’ll explore the deep matters of the heart, healing, and identity in Christ.

Event Details:

📅 Thursday, April 3 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
📅 Friday, April 4 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
📅 Saturday, April 5 | 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Each day, we will experience worship together, devotion, time to connect with God, and grow in relationship as we explore the following topics: 

Why the Heart Matters
Abiding Time
Comfort and Types of Love
Types of Fathers
Forgiving from the Heart
Orphan Heart
Heart of Sonship
Secret of Sonship
Placed Into Sonship

🍽 Lunch provided Friday & Saturday
🍽 Dinner included Saturday night

Cost: $60

We’d love for you to be part of this journey as we go deeper into encountering the Father’s heart. Register Here! Ignite 2025 Registration or call the church office at (941)488-2258.

Connect, Grow & Go

We invite people of all ages to follow Jesus as a lifelong disciple. We encourage you to CONNECT with others in authentic Christian friendship, to GROW more like Jesus and GO and share Christ’s love with our neighbors, community and world.
— Chris Romig, Senior Pastor at Venice Presbyterian Church

Stay Connected

941-488-2258, 825 The Rialto, Venice, Florida 34285

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9am -4pm and Friday, 9am - 12pm.
