Fridays—February 8-March 29
10:00 – 12:00 in The ARCHIVES
Hosted by Clarissa (Lissie) Thomasson
How many of you have always wanted to write—but never had the opportunity or know-how to put your thoughts in print? Articles which give well-learned advice or in which you express an opinion, your memoirs for your children, granddad’s life story, a picture book for your grandchildren, poetry that flows through your mind, or even a stage play are all possible once you have the impetus. And that’s what this workshop is all about. Sessions will begin with input on various types of writing, hand-outs, and a question and answer time—followed by over an hour of intensive work on your OWN individual project—with help and comments from Lissie and other participants. Just bring a notebook and pen, show up, and see where your muse will lead you!
SESSION ONE—February 8: Comparing Types of Writing—Where does yours fit in?
SESSION TWO—February 15: Structuring Your Manuscript
SESSION THREE—February 22: News Article Format
SESSION FOUR—March 1: Writing Memoirs and Non-Fiction
SESSION FIVE—March 8: Suspending the Disbelief in Fiction
SESSION SIX—March 15: Writing a Children’s Picture Book
SESSION SEVEN—March 22: Writing a Stage Play
SESSION EIGHT—March 29: Publication Submission Guidelines/ Sharing Successes
Clarissa Thomasson was born in Miami, Florida. She received her BA from Duke University and her MA from the University of Florida. Thomasson taught secondary English in Nevada and Maryland before returning to Florida. She’s written eight novels, one local history, and two plays, and writes a monthly column for Eastside Venice Neighbors.